
Dear Students of 8-1, 8-2, 10 and 11 years,

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! 

2022-2023 promises to be another great year in the long tradition of excellence that has become synonymous with the Lyceum Prestige.

I strongly believe that this year will be an important and exciting step forward in the studying of the English language. I am deeply committed to working with everyone to make it a truly extraordinary year for each and every of you! 

This communication package - 200eng.blogspot.com - will assist you with planning and will make the days and weeks of the school year more manageable. 

Have a great school year!

Tetiana Semenivna,

Your English Teacher 

P.S. Check your school e-mails and join our English google-classes.
Прошу, будь ласка, перевірте свою ліцейну електронну пошту і приєднайтеся до гугл-класу.
У гугл-класі знайдете посилання на Zoom і на наші уроки англійської мови)

Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Special Introductory Verbs

Focus 3. Unit 6. Resources 31-36

Focus 3. Unit 2. Resources 7-12