Year of Study 11
Особливості тесту ЗНО-2020 з англійської мови
Випускникам загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, які у поточному навчальному році отримали міжнародний сертифікат (диплом) мовного іспиту IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Pearson Test of English (PTE - англійська мова) рівня B-1 – для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, B-2 – для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов, результати зазначених іспитів (за бажанням випускника) зараховуються як результати ДПА і у додаток до атестата про повну загальну середню освіту виставляється атестаційна оцінка з іноземної мови 12 балів. (Лист МОН №1/9-27 від 15.01.2018 завантажити )
ZNO Practice:
Тести ЗНО з англійської мови он-лайн (2009-2019 рр)
1.1. Web-sites on listening
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Use of English
5. Exam Tests: Level B1
Laser B2 Extra Listening Activities
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Use of English
5. Exam Tests: Level B1
Laser B2:
Speaking – I Term
1. Reading: A friend in need WB p 6
• What problems in relationships do you think are the
most serious?
• Do you agree with the advice given in the blog? Can
you add any suggestions of your own?
2. Reading: Are you a heartbroken teenager? SB p 12-13
• Is there any advice you would give that is not in
the article?
• Do you disagree with any of the advice in the
• Can an article like this help a heartbroken
3. Reading: Cowboy fantasies on a ranch in Montana SB
p 18-19
• Would you like to go on a holiday similar to the one
in the passage? Why? I Why not?
• Some companies offer holidays where you can learn to
do something, such as fishing, skiing, painting, etc. Is there anything you
would like to learn while on holiday?
• Is it better to go on holiday with family or with
friends? Why?
4. Reading: Winter Wonderlands. SB p 25
• Which of the winter resorts would you prefer to
• What other kinds of winter holidays can you think
5. Reading: Don’t go on holiday! WB p 15
• What is your favourite kind of travelling. Tell us
about the trip of your dream.
6. Reading: A new trend unfolds. WB p 22-23
• Are you interested in gadgets? Which ones do you
own? What would you like to own?
7. Reading: Looking Forward 3000 SB p 32-33
• Do you think a machine will ever be able to
translate languages as well as a person? Why? I Why not?
• Do you like the idea of an intelligent fridge? Why?
I Why not?
• Are you interested in gadgets? Which ones do you
own? What would you like to own?
8. Reading: Where did they come from SB p 38-39
• How important were each of these inventions?
• How different would the modern world be if they
hadn't been invented?
9. Reading: Making a million SB p 45
• What are the possible problems of being very
• Would you like to be extremely rich?
10. Reading: Children and advertising SB p 50-51
Do you agree with these statements?
• Advertising aimed at young children should be
• Parents should let young children watch anything
they want on TV.
11. Reading: Our world WB p 31
• What are the possible problems of being very
• Would you like to be extremely rich?
Laser B2 Extra Listening Activities